Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Throwing It Away

There's a fuzzy spot where you can get caught between wanting awakening, preparing for it, when you're simply in no mans land.

Nothing motivates anymore. There's nothing you really want either. Perhaps somehow if only it was easy. You could just throw everything away get struck by one of these experiences the awake talk about.

Somehow you sense everything you know is really useless yet wanting to unlearn everything is just another sideshow. Stuck between wanting to not want nowhere and wanting to be Awake. See the real truth. Ha ha ha ha...Just another sideshow.


Sophia said...

Hi Phil,

Thanks for the comment on my blog.

I've been so busy on my end that I haven't been able to respond. I will when I get back from camping on Sunday. I'll also read your blog, too, to see what you write about. I just wanted to post a quick comment before leaving.

Phil said...

Appreciate that Sophia,

Hope you are well and enjoyed camping.

take care : )