Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Karma ?

A question was asked about karma today. The perennial spiritual stuff. The traditional sankrit defines it as 'action' and has been loosely put into the basket of cause and effect. Reaping what you sow. All that you can read in a book. So what does it mean ? Firstly, who really really knows ? The enlightened ? Perhaps. Buddha is said to have seen clearly peoples' karma. Did he ? Is there such a thing as karma ? If there is it's an approximation of something else.

Some say No Ego No karma they say. Well maybe. Who said Ego really exists ?

The more painful and more pleasurable the experience the more powerful the implant 'seeded' into the Mind. Some of these 'seeds' we are aware of, a lot not. Much is deeply buried from very past experiences.

These seeds bear 'fruit' in our urge to do. Our motivations, our choices, our actions, our habits, our beliefs, our opinions, our rights and wrongs, our shoulds and shouldn'ts, our hopes, our expectations, which in turn continue implanting seeds continuing the same cycle.

Until we eventually become disillusioned and fed up with the wheel turning and turning and us acting like a robot and start questioning the whole programme. Everything. All that we know and love and hope for.

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